This blog is a serious effort to help others realize that they have within them the birthless, deathless spirit that has always been and will always be. The author expects seriousness and sincerity from the reader. He expects that co-operation that the believer should at all times be ready to extend. If,however, you are prone to mock at man’s serious duty. If you expect to be entertained, amused or beguiled, my best advice is that you read no further. Close this page, for there will be no joy in it for you. But, if you have faith; if you believe in the Divinity of Humankind, if you believe in the joys of life eternal, if the Celestial symphony sings in your heart.


Wednesday, November 3, 2010


            In early traditions of the church, there appeared more than 50 gospels, which include 4 gospels that we see in New Testament and other gospels such as gospels of James, Thomas, Mary, Mary Magdalene, Hebrews, etc.. There were 22 Book of Acts, Acts of  Apostles, Acts of Paul, and Acts of Thecla etc… There were numerous Epistles that we see in New Testament and others such as Paul’s letter to Laodiceans, Epistle of Barnabas, Epistle of Jude Escariote, etc…
It created total confusion among early Christians because some of the books and letters were ‘spurious’ and others genuine. Some of them contained even superstitions and funny stories of miracles of Jesus and apostles. Many false prophets appeared with different theologies contrary to the apostolic teaching.         
For Arius, Jesus was not God. For Apolinarius, Jesus was not a man. Macedonius preached Holy Spirit is not Go. For Maricionites, all the gospels are false. All of them started to quote the scriptures available at that time.
To defend the true Church and its doctrines from the apostasies, the Catholic church decided to select some books that seemed genuine and inspired; it is known as the canon of Bible (Greek ‘Kanon’ means something serving to determine, rule). Thus, the bible came from the church! The Church is not coming from the Bible

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