This blog is a serious effort to help others realize that they have within them the birthless, deathless spirit that has always been and will always be. The author expects seriousness and sincerity from the reader. He expects that co-operation that the believer should at all times be ready to extend. If,however, you are prone to mock at man’s serious duty. If you expect to be entertained, amused or beguiled, my best advice is that you read no further. Close this page, for there will be no joy in it for you. But, if you have faith; if you believe in the Divinity of Humankind, if you believe in the joys of life eternal, if the Celestial symphony sings in your heart.


Monday, November 15, 2010

Ang Katangian ng Isang Tunay Na Kabalistiko

Ang nakasulat sa ibaba ay mga paala-ala ni Eliphas Levi sa mga taong nagsusumikap na makamtan at maintindihan ang kapayapaan, kasaganaan at karunungan ng Diyos.
Every idle word is a fault.

Show your learning by your actions.

The Word is Life, and the First Principle of Life.

The quality of a life is shown by its actions.

An idle word is either without meaning or is of the nature of a lie.

An idle word in religious matters is a sin.
He who is content with idle words is as if he were dead.

He who does not make his worship manifest has no religion.
Better is superstition than impiety.

God judges actions rather than vain thoughts.

He who is religious will do works which accord with the Word of his religion;
He who has no religion and believes not in any word, yet he also must be judged by his actions, for to every man shall it be according to his works.

              True religion is that which showeth a form of worship which is pure and living; the perfection of worship, however, lieth in self−sacrifice, which is complete and enduring.

            The beauty of self−sacrifice is taught in the Church of Christ, Catholic and Roman; and it is an article of faith, that any one who denies himself and takes up this cross,and follows the Mediator to the Altar, assumes at once the offices both of Priest and Victim.

            No man ever saw God at any time.
Before the dawn of the Microcosm, Azoth was the Flying Eagle and the Royal Lion;it was the Mastodon of the Earth and the Leviathan of the Sea. When the human−headed Sphynx appeared−−−Azoth became Man among men, and Spirits among Elementals. Every substance can and should become Azoth by adaptation. In Azoth is the Principle of the Light, which is the Quintessence of Splendour and Gold. This is the grandSecret of universal Transmutation.

No man has ever seen the Light; but we see by reason of it those objects which reflect the light.There is nothing occult which shall not be known: there is nothing concealed which shall not be revealed.

The Kingdom of God is within us.

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